Jacob: Paths to Unity


Jacob: Paths to Unity

Is there anything more heartbreaking than an experience of betrayal within a family? What is it like to have your parents divorce each other, or for two people who are living together to split up? Is it satisfying to have a blazing row with a business partner? Do you enjoy someone else imposing their agenda on you?

We all desire to live together without conflict or oppression, but what we see nonetheless is an absence of unity in our societies. We can call this an absence of the ‘we.’ In our modern secular age, we seek our fulfillments primarily as individuals, in the pursuit of whatever we personally find to be authentic. As a result, we have very little understanding of the sources of unity within families and communities.

There is a story within the Bible, though, of a family that came to experience a truly astounding unity. This exhibition recounts the Biblical story of Jacob’s family, and the remarkable unity that came to birth within it. The purpose of the exhibition is to discover the paths that the members of this family followed as they learnt to live together as a ‘we’.