Holy Unexpected

In this exhibition we encounter eight figures of holiness.

Not all of them are canonised saints, and their holiness is not always of the flavour that we might find most acceptable, or comfortable.

They might not be the eight companions one would choose for oneself…

We chose to look at them, however, for the manner in which each throws light on the unexpected nature of life, of circumstances, and of the call of god. Each was called to live in a particular time and place, and to face particular dramas and problems.

Hope that by revealing to you something of the human face of these eight people, you might find encouragement and inspiration for facing the unexpected in our own lives and epoch.

At the heart of the exhibition Is a dialogue between two of our “saints” who we like to think of as unlikely friends. Although as different from each other as you could Imagine, both have a way of seeing things which penetrates to the heart of reality and the deepest meaning of the events that unfold in our lives and throughout history.

Julian and Chesterton then, are our guides. As they take us on a tour of (part of) the story of Christianity in these lands, through (parts of) the stories of these very human saints, allow yourself to be drawn into their vision of things.

You might end up seeing things upside down…

Enjoy the adventure!

An exhibition by Anthony Errington
Julian & Chesterton: Constanța Burlacu, Giovanna Di Martino, Roberta Gattodoro, Paolo Torri
And contributions by
Bede: Miriam Galbiati
Fisher: Chiara Berneri, Èlise Clavel, Annalia Marchisio, Kristin Williams
Campion: Stefania Burke
Mary Ward: Silvia Imberti
Barberi: Luca Lenzi, Rudi Palmieri
Chesterton: Roberto Bonci, Chiara Zamin, Marcelina Ziezio
John Bradburne: Noel Murphy, Simona Sylvester, Giulia Vercesi
Graphic Designer: Turi Di Stefano
Advisory Contributors: Chris Morgan, Professor John Morrill, Giuseppe Pezzini, Father John Saward
With grateful thanks to the John Bradburne Memorial Society for permission to print the poems of John Bradburne. Both images and poems are copyright, JBMS.
And to Sarah Mac Donald for permission to use clips from the documentary “Mary Ward: Dangerous Visionary” – www.marywarddocumentary.com