
Embracing the unexpected: a dialogue with witnesses

17 June 2017 – 03:00PM – 155 Bishopgate, London, EC2M 3YD – Free Entrance

“The circumstances through which God has us pass are an essential and not a secondary factor of our vocation, of the mission to which He calls us.” (Luigi Giussani)  This event will explore how the unexpected can become an opportunity even when it occurs under the appearance of undesired personal and social crisis. In particular, we would like to show how embracing the circumstances may become the way to discover the meaning of one’s own life and so to contribute to the world. The event is not meant to be just a showcase of ‘bad luck with a happy ending’ but an attempt to learn a method to deal with the unexpected.

Speakers include:

Rose Busingye, Director of Meeting Point International, serving those living with HIV/AIDS in Kampala, Uganda

Ian Campbell, father of James, a cherished son with Down’s Syndrome

Samara Levy, Founder of Samara’s Aid Appeal, supporting refugees in Syria, Iraq and the Middle East